Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
ponteng-ed today :)
hung out with pies and a si fat long ( TAN MING JET ) and hsiang ;)
i never thought i would be talking to hsiang -_-
ahha, and and he finally knows WHY we stare at him, rightright? :D
ignorance IS bliss.
i wish i didn't see that, it hurt.
MORE than before, or maybe that's just because i've forgotten how it actually felt.
i'll get over you. i'll get over you.
i promise.
ughh. why are things getting so complicated??
it's hard to just not give up during times like this,
gahhh, grrr. gotta stop.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
happy birthday pie! i love you so much ;D
ashman, happy belated! :)
leeking, happy advanced ;P
heh. on the 14th of may, 2009,
we sabo-ed jannah+leeking+ashman , and OMGDDDD i had to trick jannah by pretending i had PAINS,
and i had to LIE DOWN ON THE DAMMIT GRASS -__________________-
haha, pretending i fainted.
ohh, the sacrifices i make for her ;P
and, haha. she believed, and tada! i threw an egg at her when she came REALLY REALLY NEAR me ;
so i kena jugak -_-
masterminds - LYNN, JAS AND EVO XD
read more here and here
kris allen, please? :D

at least he's straight ;D
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
see? what did i say, for every good thing, there is also a worse one.
how true.
i'm filled with dread.
this isn't something i would have chosen,
never in a million years, would i have chosen this.
but you chose it for me.
who would have thought of it?
i feel like running away, but that won't help a bit.
you want me to be something i'm not, but i can't.
i never will be like that, i just can't.
i wish i could talk to someone.
sometimes i feel my feelings aren't valued anymore.
Monday, May 11, 2009
i know you love me ;)
haha, today i gave the most awesomest keychain to ashman,
and guess what? it LAUGHS. seriously LAUGHS.
andddd, ashman keeps pressing it, and shakes it in front of our faces,
its annoying yet funny, really -_____-
everyone's blaming me for giving it to him, =.="
ashman, you owe me an awesome pressie,
and i knowwwww you loveeeee meeee :D
p.s. happy birthday, ashman!
Sunday, May 10, 2009

would you believe, he learned this HIMSELF?
was a street dancer before he joined BGT,
awwwww ;)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
dear N,
it's done. i gave you a chance, but you broke it.
so there, it's done.
i'm ignoring you,
starting now.
and DEAR S,
i'm not the cause of your problem,
so stop acting like i am.
i did what i did, it's not my fault for what happened to you,
so stop blaming me.
blame X instead.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
up and down like a yoyo;
like evo says, AM I THAT HAPPY?!
the answer?
at least, i WAS. but then, you ruined it.
sometimes ignorance is just bliss.
i want to be happy, and i am. is it wrong?
why do you have to snatch it all away???
i'm happy. i finally am. i managed.
you just had to pull me down.
i'm strong, but i'm not THAT STRONG.
throw trials at me, i'll survive.
but through them, i may cry. i may fall. i may hurt.
that's just the way i am.
and those who lie to me, beware.
come to me for help, tell me the truth.
lie to me, its the end.
your chance has gone, wasted.
life ain't just about you.
" for every drop of sweetness there is bitter.
for darkness there is light.
for pain there is joy.
facts. inescapable. sometimes the only sanity
in a world gone mad drunk on its own greed. "
-Forever Joy, by Lacey Dancer
i don't.
searching for a never ending high :)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
finally, it's past. :D
goddd, jas. stop acting so despo =.=
although it was SOOOO GODDAMN TIRING.
came home on sat, and slept from 5pm till 8am the next day! 15hrs, a world record =_____=
my hand hurts like shit, typing with one hand now.
freaking ass of an injection! numb numb. so pain D:
so pissed so pissed so po!
i'm being so obsessed, ihatemyself. ihatemyself.
GRRRRR. so unexpectedly, so sudden. why ohh whyyyy?