Monday, June 25, 2012

Some days you just feel a tad disconnected from the world :/
I think I wanna go for a swim.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lalalalalalalalalalala ;D

.... I felt pretty today :)
It was such a great feeling :')

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Small Things

There's a lost rooster behind my house, and he's been crowing continuously for a while now. It's so cute :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012


If you are honest and sincere
people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
Mother Teresa

Our greatest glory is not in never failing,
but in rising every time we fall.

Success is the sum of small efforts,
repeated day in and day out.
Robert J. Collier 

Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you,
they're supposed to help you discover who you are.
Bernice Johnson Reagon

The miserable have no other medicine.
But only hope.
William  Shakespeare 

Happiness is where we find it,
but rarely where we seek it.
J. Petit  Senn

Carpe diem! Carpe noctem!
... and make each day count. 


Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures
for long-term values.
Joshua L. Liebman

What you spend years creating,
others could destroy overnight.
Create anyway. 
Mother Teresa

Dum spiro spero.
"While I breathe, I hope" 
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Inspiration does exist,
but it must find you working.
Pablo Picasso

The best way to appreciate your job
is to imagine yourself without one.
Marcus Tullius Cicero


Well. I'm done with sem exams.

Sort of. I still have Thinking Skills tmrw, but that's not really something one can study for, right? Maybe do some practice questions now, but yeah.

I'm tired and sleepy and my neck hurts and my back hurts and I feel so tired (I know, I said that already) but that's not the why I'm feeling so down. I guess it's because I let myself down. I should've done better, I could have. And now- I lost my chance, and I guess I just let my dream slip away :( I can't get over the fact that I slacked so badly this semester. While knowing that I wanted to make it there. No excuses this time.

So. What happens now?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Slammed Shut.

Bangkok- an international tournament. INTERNATIONAL
Tell me, how many people get that kind of chance? 

And just like so many other things, you take it away from me. 

When life gives you an opportunity, you're supposed to grab it with both hands. 
And you know what? You're supposed to be proud of us. 
It's supposed to be an achievement. We got selected, okay? Selected.

You're letting your fears take over our lives, and
it's just not fair. 

It's not fair. It's not fair it's not fair it's not fair

Saturday, June 2, 2012


This time, the door's fully shut. The small bits of the chapter I skipped, I finally finished. It's the end of another chapter, for real this time :)

And while I was at it, I realized that
I lost my sentimentality.

Or maybe
it was naivety.

P.s. Ever realized how emotions seem to bring up the worst things at the worst times?

Quotes From Taylor's CPCC :)

Wisdom is not wisdom
when it is derived from books alone.

The secret to getting ahead
is getting started.
Mark Twain

It's hard to fail,
but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. 
Theodore Roosevelt 

Worry is a misuse of
Dan Zadra

It is difficult to say what is impossible,
for the dream of yesterday
is the hope of today
and the reality of tomorrow. 
Robert H. Goddard

Failure is an event,
not a person.
Yesterday ended last night.
Zig Ziglar

Success seems to be connected with action.
Successful people keep moving.
They make mistakes, 
but they don't quit.
Conrad Hilton

It's not the load that breaks you down,
it's the way you carry it.
Lou Holtz

Three grand essentials to happiness
in this life are:
something to do;
something to love
and something to hope for. 
Joseph Addison

I don't need a friend who changes when I change
and who nods when I nod;
my shadow does that much better.

For hope is but the dream
of those that wake.
Matthew Prior

Always hold your head up
but be careful to keep your nose at a friendly level.
Max L. Forman

Even if you're on the right track,
you'll get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers

what then?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Quotes are lahveeeeeeeeee ♥ :D