Sunday, February 2, 2014

10 Perks of Being Short

(of being a short girl, more like.)

Being 5'0, height it something that I've always been insecure about. Growing up, I always wished I were taller. Heck, I still do sometimes. Tall people think they're superior than us shorties, hence all the short people jokes. Have you seen a short person making fun of a tall person? No? Exactly.

It wasn't until recently that I grew comfortable with my height, accepting it for what it is. In fact, I'm happy with my height & I wouldn't change it for the world well, being short does have it perks. So here I am, standing up for all my fun-sized buddies, retaliating against all you tall people ;)

10 Perks of Being Short

1. Never bumping your head.
Kitchen cabinets? Tree branches? Low doors & ceilings? While my taller friends have to stoop or risk getting a huge bump on their head, I can just walk underneath it with ease. 

This works as an advantage when playing Limbo as well ;)

2. Boyfriends
Generally, guys prefer girls who are shorter than them, right? I've heard my friends complaining about how that hot guy they have a crush on is shorter than them, or how it's hard for them to find dates because they're tall. Short girls? Everyone's taller than us- no problem.

3. Being looked after
People generally associate being short with helplessness, for some weird reason. Hence most people just want to take care of you. It can get quite annoying, especially if you view yourself as an independent person but well - use that disadvantage to your advantage! :) Besides, who doesn't like being taken care of? ;)

4. Short = cute
Major advantage. Shorties, sadly, we're never going to be as hot as those tall, long-legged women. BUT. Not all tall people are hot, but being short? It's a free pass into the Land of All Things Cute & Adorable. People will want to touch you. To hug you. To pet your head. To lift you off your feet. You get tons of affection just because you're short!

5. Looking young
When you're short, people usually think you younger than you really are. I'm 19 and people still mistake me for 14 years, 5 years younger than I really am :P Being short really does slow down the aging process, heh :D

6. Heels
I can wear heels without ever worrying about being too tall. 4 inch, 5 inch, you name it

7. Hide & Seek
When it comes down to Hide & Seek, I never lose ;) Being small, I can fit into nooks and crannies that most people won't even think of looking at. Cupboards, especially. Now if only I can find a way to zip up luggage bags from the insideeeeeee. 

8. Shelter
Need shelter from the scorching sun or wind? Just hide behind someone tall :P

9. Children's clothes
Not only clothes from the normal ladies section, or the petite section, I can even buy clothes from the kids' section! And trust me, some kids' clothes look even better than adults clothing! Plus, they're cheaper as well. Plus points woot woooooot.

10. Stability
Shorter people are technically more stable compared to taller people, because of our lower centre of gravity and all that. Don't take it from me tho, I'm generally clumsy heh heh.

& last but not least (I'm aware this is more than 10 already :P ),

Oh how I love being small. 

Disclaimer: This post was not meant to be an insult to be taller people. I'm merely speaking up for us shorties. If you take offense, boo you.