Sunday, November 23, 2008

looks or personality?

grr. i argued with my cousin yesterday. and about what? the title says it all. she says that looks are important, while i said that personality is more important. grr. she says she's attracted to guys that look HOT. not because of their personality or anything, but because they're hot. i mean, WTH?! =.=" come on laa. and whats more, i had just been insulted of my looks by someone, whom i'd rather not name. GRR.

so, looks or personality? i think personality. looks are important, but i dont think any relationship, even friendship, can last just because you like the other person's looks. its pointless. looks aren't everything, like they say ' its inner beauty that counts '. and i think that's true. what's the point if a person is attractive, but their just terrible, terrible people inside? whats the point? i'm not saying that looks aren't important in life. looks are important, but not as a whole. they just play a small role. so what if you're attractive-looking? SO? its not like looks can guarantee you a happy, successful life, right?

we've been deceived by this generation's point of view. we admire people because of their looks. i'm not saying that it's wrong, but. imagine if we picked a president, or someone important, because of their looks, but they're terrible at what they do. the world would just come crashing down. personality is a much bigger part of life. a person with a powerful, strong personality may just be guaranteed a great life. while those with weak, soft personalities will just, lose out.

picking someone as a friend, or as your partner in any relationship, whether its friendship, love, business, etc. wouldn't work out if the only steady ground is looks. wouldn't it be better to have someone whom you can communicate with, share your troubles, work together, etc?

grr. i think i've ranted enough >.<
this is for kml, pfft. see? i updated. now read and COMMENT. ;P

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