ashman was SO mean today ): ):
get me a chocolate bar, or else i won't forgive you :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
i've been listening to michael jackson's songs since yesterday.
some of them are quite nice though :)
sue me.
listen to we are the world! co-written by mj and lionel richie :D
it's awesome (;
some of them are quite nice though :)
sue me.
listen to we are the world! co-written by mj and lionel richie :D
it's awesome (;
little black dresses :)
okay, so for the rest of you who are yet to know,
heck, yeah. this is TRUE. =____________=
and, i am a BITCH. oops, witch :D
but the dress looks gay, cause there's fur around the neckline D:
for those of you gay enough to think that it is REAL FUR, ie DANIAL RAIMI,
IT IS NOT! and it isn't even MY dress! it was my cousin's!
and, truth be told, i haven't worn a dress since i was like, 12 O_Opeople, i want a little black dress for my birthday!
you guys, SHARE YOUR $$ and buy me one, okay? :)
a sleeveless one, please? :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009
a tribute to michael jackson :)
from this,
to this,

to this,

and then, this.

oh, well. you will undoubtedly be missed :/
mj, rest in peace :/
michael jackson passed away yesterday. um in usa, it was 25th june, around 2 something, i think O_O
um. let me think of something to say. rest in peace, and you will be dearly missed :/
i'm addicted to some of his songs,
heard them over and over on the radio yesterday.
anyway i am SO GODDAMN PISSED with SOMEONE'S mum.
she's blaming us for *anonymous*'s results?! like, wth?! she thinks we're bad influences? again, WTH?! and she thinks we influence her not to study? SERIOUSLY WTH! we ask*anonymous* to study all the time. HECK, i even yelled at her before!! GRR.
i hate you i hate you! look properly laa, we're not like that!
blame yourself before you blame us!
p.s. jannah, i AM online, just that i'm using my dad's lappy which doesn't hv messenger -_- so sorry ):
um. let me think of something to say. rest in peace, and you will be dearly missed :/
i'm addicted to some of his songs,
heard them over and over on the radio yesterday.
anyway i am SO GODDAMN PISSED with SOMEONE'S mum.
she's blaming us for *anonymous*'s results?! like, wth?! she thinks we're bad influences? again, WTH?! and she thinks we influence her not to study? SERIOUSLY WTH! we ask*anonymous* to study all the time. HECK, i even yelled at her before!! GRR.
i hate you i hate you! look properly laa, we're not like that!
blame yourself before you blame us!
p.s. jannah, i AM online, just that i'm using my dad's lappy which doesn't hv messenger -_- so sorry ):
apology, shmology
Hello hello hello everyone, guess who.
I bet you can't, huh BUBS?
By the way, to get to Jesses new blog, go to Due to certain circumstances that I cannot disclose, this blog will be moved to a new link today. I on behalf on Ling Hui Shan, Jaslyn, apologize for all the inconvinience caused as I too aknowledge the fact that Miss Mccartney here has relinked and relinked again 73765527890 times since the past year.
May I add that this circumstance is dire, and Jess isn't just screwing around to piss people off.
Once again, I apologize.
(Ketua Hal Ehwal Fags/KHEF)
*sings Katy Perry's Hot N Cold*
I bet you can't, huh BUBS?
By the way, to get to Jesses new blog, go to Due to certain circumstances that I cannot disclose, this blog will be moved to a new link today. I on behalf on Ling Hui Shan, Jaslyn, apologize for all the inconvinience caused as I too aknowledge the fact that Miss Mccartney here has relinked and relinked again 73765527890 times since the past year.
May I add that this circumstance is dire, and Jess isn't just screwing around to piss people off.
Once again, I apologize.
(Ketua Hal Ehwal Fags/KHEF)
*sings Katy Perry's Hot N Cold*
Thursday, June 25, 2009
i am so superly bloody pissed.
so many reasons.
- i don't know why i even try. i've been hoping since last time, but it NEVER HAPPENS.
and then you expect me to be there for you?
3. i studied so hard, actually no. I SLAVED.
and i wanted a camera so badly! so i asked my dad for it, since my results were good, and etc.
i didn't even ask for a NEW one, just his old one would do. AND WHAT DID HE SAY?
he frigging scolded me ):
sometimes i don't know why i even try.
i feel so un-appreciated.
i should just stop.
everything i do goes to waste anyway.
so many reasons.
- i don't know why i even try. i've been hoping since last time, but it NEVER HAPPENS.
and then you expect me to be there for you?
3. i studied so hard, actually no. I SLAVED.
and i wanted a camera so badly! so i asked my dad for it, since my results were good, and etc.
i didn't even ask for a NEW one, just his old one would do. AND WHAT DID HE SAY?
he frigging scolded me ):
sometimes i don't know why i even try.
i feel so un-appreciated.
i should just stop.
everything i do goes to waste anyway.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
First Name - Jaslyn
Nickname - Jas :)
Name you wish you had - I loveee my name! :)
What do people normally mistake your name as - justea, justin O_O those gaylords!
Birthday - 2nd nov 1994 :)
Single or taken - single, and happy! (;
Zodiac sign - scorpio
-Your Appearance-
How tall are you - NOT TELLING! ):
Wish you were taller - yes yes yes!
Eye color - black lah -_-
Eye color you want - hazel! ;D
Natural Hair color - black + grey + brownish, + 1 or 2 strands of gold, hee! :)
Hair color - must i repeat?!
Short or long hair - um. quite long?
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - not YET (:
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - um.
Glasses or contacts - glasses, but i WANT contacts :/
Do you wear make-up - NOOOOO WAY -__________-
Ever had hair extensions - nopee
-In the opposite gender-
What color eyes - anything
What color hair - anythingggg
Shy or Outgoing - either one will do :)
Looks or personality - personality, + looks as well! personality is more important though! :)
Sexy or Cute - bothhhhhhh!
Serious or Fun - hm. both?
Older or Younger than you - older laa!
A turn on - understands me COMPLETELY
A turn off - treating me as though i'm not important, being overprotective :/
-This or that-
Flowers or Chocolates - chocolates! ;D
pepsi or Coke - pepsi :)
Rap or Rock - um. none!
Relationship or One night stand - relationship
School or Work - school, i guess.
Love or Money - love ;) i am a hopeless romantic!
Movies or Music - music.
Country or City - idk.
Sunny or Rainy days - sunny! but i prefer cloudy :)
Friends or Family - ummmmmm
-Have you ever-
Lied - of course lah! -_-
Stole something - yeah! my brother's candy :)
Smoked - no way, never have, never will!
Hurt someone close to you - yup ):
Broke someone's heart - sadly, yes ):
Had your heart broken - yes )':
Wondered what was wrong with you - haha, sometimes.
Wish you were a prince/princess - nope, it seems so fake somehow.
Liked someone who was taken - um. yes?
Shaved your head - no waaaaaaaay.
Been in love - obviously.
Used chopsticks - yeahhhhhh
Sang in the mirror to yourself - um no?
Flower - white roses :)
Candy - marshmallows, or choc! :D
Song - it depends!
Scent - um. smell of old musty books? hee,
Color - blue
Movie - ummmmmm.
Singer - paramore, kris allen ;)
Word - currently, 'HARI'
Junk food - haha, chocolates laa :)
Website - hm. my blog ;)
Location - venice!
Animal - doggies!
Ever cried over someone - tons of times.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - nope, i love myself just the way i am :)
Do you think you're attractive - haha, saya comel :D
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - hm. beauty and the beast ;D
Do you play any sports - um. i used to play futsal :) badminton?
The rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people
1. i wanna gangbang ming jet with jannah, HAHA ;D
2. i am currently still pissed.
3. i loveeee ashman
4. i love jannah
5. haziq said i'm superly awesome :)
6. its so hard to stare at raimi without laughing XD
7. will you believe it if i said i'm gay?
8. i'm pissed at almost everyone.
I now tag:
1. jannah
2. evo
3. lynn
4. leeking
5. dash
7. wai kit, the gaylord
8. nikaaaay :)
bangun pagi nampak matahari,
pergi sekolah ada hari,
balik sekolah waktu tengahari,
ini pantun mengejek hari :D
First Name - Jaslyn
Nickname - Jas :)
Name you wish you had - I loveee my name! :)
What do people normally mistake your name as - justea, justin O_O those gaylords!
Birthday - 2nd nov 1994 :)
Single or taken - single, and happy! (;
Zodiac sign - scorpio
-Your Appearance-
How tall are you - NOT TELLING! ):
Wish you were taller - yes yes yes!
Eye color - black lah -_-
Eye color you want - hazel! ;D
Natural Hair color - black + grey + brownish, + 1 or 2 strands of gold, hee! :)
Hair color - must i repeat?!
Short or long hair - um. quite long?
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - not YET (:
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - um.
Glasses or contacts - glasses, but i WANT contacts :/
Do you wear make-up - NOOOOO WAY -__________-
Ever had hair extensions - nopee
-In the opposite gender-
What color eyes - anything
What color hair - anythingggg
Shy or Outgoing - either one will do :)
Looks or personality - personality, + looks as well! personality is more important though! :)
Sexy or Cute - bothhhhhhh!
Serious or Fun - hm. both?
Older or Younger than you - older laa!
A turn on - understands me COMPLETELY
A turn off - treating me as though i'm not important, being overprotective :/
-This or that-
Flowers or Chocolates - chocolates! ;D
pepsi or Coke - pepsi :)
Rap or Rock - um. none!
Relationship or One night stand - relationship
School or Work - school, i guess.
Love or Money - love ;) i am a hopeless romantic!
Movies or Music - music.
Country or City - idk.
Sunny or Rainy days - sunny! but i prefer cloudy :)
Friends or Family - ummmmmm
-Have you ever-
Lied - of course lah! -_-
Stole something - yeah! my brother's candy :)
Smoked - no way, never have, never will!
Hurt someone close to you - yup ):
Broke someone's heart - sadly, yes ):
Had your heart broken - yes )':
Wondered what was wrong with you - haha, sometimes.
Wish you were a prince/princess - nope, it seems so fake somehow.
Liked someone who was taken - um. yes?
Shaved your head - no waaaaaaaay.
Been in love - obviously.
Used chopsticks - yeahhhhhh
Sang in the mirror to yourself - um no?
Flower - white roses :)
Candy - marshmallows, or choc! :D
Song - it depends!
Scent - um. smell of old musty books? hee,
Color - blue
Movie - ummmmmm.
Singer - paramore, kris allen ;)
Word - currently, 'HARI'
Junk food - haha, chocolates laa :)
Website - hm. my blog ;)
Location - venice!
Animal - doggies!
Ever cried over someone - tons of times.
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - nope, i love myself just the way i am :)
Do you think you're attractive - haha, saya comel :D
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - hm. beauty and the beast ;D
Do you play any sports - um. i used to play futsal :) badminton?
The rules:-Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people
1. i wanna gangbang ming jet with jannah, HAHA ;D
2. i am currently still pissed.
3. i loveeee ashman
4. i love jannah
5. haziq said i'm superly awesome :)
6. its so hard to stare at raimi without laughing XD
7. will you believe it if i said i'm gay?
8. i'm pissed at almost everyone.
I now tag:
1. jannah
2. evo
3. lynn
4. leeking
5. dash
7. wai kit, the gaylord
8. nikaaaay :)
bangun pagi nampak matahari,
pergi sekolah ada hari,
balik sekolah waktu tengahari,
ini pantun mengejek hari :D
Friday, June 19, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
tagged, by karmen :)
1. Besides your lips, where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
sleepy, didn't want to go for tuiton -_-
3. Who was the last person/ people you took a photo with?
lynn, jannah, evo, ming jet
4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
5. Will you ever donate blood?
yup yup :)
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
umm, yeahh, still have :)
7. Do you want someone to be dead?
currently, yes!
8. What does your last text message say?
'is it pain?' from lynn :D
9. What are you thinking about right now?
my arm hurts ):
explanation : i got the cervical cancer injection :(
10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
yes, lynn and evo and jannah, please! (;
11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
umm, around 1 something?
12. Where did you buy the tee you're wearing now?
i can't remember -___________-
13. Is someone on your mind right now?
yes yes yes, lynn and evo and jannah! <3 hee :)
14. Who was the last person that texted you?
lynn! ;)
ten lucky people to do this quiz :
1. Lynn
2. Jannah
3. Evo
4. Andrew
5. Leek
6. Nik
7. Hari
8. Dash
9. Hsiang
10. Sulin
2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
sleepy, didn't want to go for tuiton -_-
3. Who was the last person/ people you took a photo with?
lynn, jannah, evo, ming jet
4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
5. Will you ever donate blood?
yup yup :)
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
umm, yeahh, still have :)
7. Do you want someone to be dead?
currently, yes!
8. What does your last text message say?
'is it pain?' from lynn :D
9. What are you thinking about right now?
my arm hurts ):
explanation : i got the cervical cancer injection :(
10. Do you want someone to be with you right now?
yes, lynn and evo and jannah, please! (;
11. What was the time you went to bed last night?
umm, around 1 something?
12. Where did you buy the tee you're wearing now?
i can't remember -___________-
13. Is someone on your mind right now?
yes yes yes, lynn and evo and jannah! <3 hee :)
14. Who was the last person that texted you?
lynn! ;)
ten lucky people to do this quiz :
1. Lynn
2. Jannah
3. Evo
4. Andrew
5. Leek
6. Nik
7. Hari
8. Dash
9. Hsiang
10. Sulin
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