Friday, June 21, 2013

Life Update!

Don't you just love that feeling when you put a pen to paper (or your fingers to the keyboard) and your thoughts just seem to flow directly from your mind straight to the writing media? That feeling when you really don't know what or how to say something, but the moment your fingers come into contact with the keyboard, or your pen hits the paper, everything you want to say just comes? Amazing, isn't it?  And this is one of the reasons why I love writing. It's so effortless (at times, at least.)

Hello dear readers! :) Or rather, hello Lynn and Jannah and Shman (who's just back from Taiwan. Welcome 'home', Shman! :D ) and whoever else still reads this blog. Yeah I'm still in denial that there's still other people who read my blog hahah Yeap. *peace signnnn*

And this here, is another life update.

It's been 5 days since I last posted a life update, and what I have been up to so far? As I'm typing this, I'm sick and I feel like crap. Which is why I'm home instead of at Taekwondo centralized training. I hate missing centralized training. Rawr. Oh okay okay, life update! I've been:

1. Reading
These past few days, I've only managed to read one book -

The reason it's taken me so long to finish this one book is because it's so emotionally draining. I love Jodi Picoult, she's my favourite author. Her books are always thought-provoking - she attacks an highly debatable ethical issue, and it's always 'WHAT WOULD YOU DO?'. When you first read her books, you'll have your own stand on how you see issue in question, but as you read on, you start to see the other side of things. It really does get you thinking about how you may be wrong and doubt your own opinion. This book, Handle With Care, is about wrongful birth. It's about a little girl who has osteogenesis imperfecta, or in layman terms, brittle bone disease. Look it up, it's really, really interesting. Anyways, the mother of this little girl (Willow) wants to sue her physician for wrongful birth- which basically means that if she'd known earlier that Willow would be born with this disease, she wouldn't have had her in the first place. But truth is, she actually just wants the $$ to provide a better life for Willow. So. What would you do?
If that itself wasn't bad enough, the disease highlighted in the book wasn't any common disease like Down Syndrome, for example. Picoult just HAD to use osteogenesis imperfecta, depicting how life with this disease is like. It's really heartbreaking, really. Just look it up, and you'll know exactly what I mean.

On a lighter note, I've started on another book just today. 

I think the only reason I bought this book was because it looked pretty, heheh. But it's going great so far :) Fingers crossed.

2. Baking
After a long hiatus - blame A Levels (yes I blame all my hiatuses on A Levels) , I finally baked! :D And nope, Leek's birthday cupcakes don't count. Don't ask me why. So I baked .. *drumroll*


It was PERFECT. A little slice of heaven. With ice cream. So much  :') OH AND DID I MENTION I HAD ICE CREAM 3 TIMES IN THE PAST 5 DAYS? :D :D :D

3. Learning to cook
Since I may be leaving for UK soon, and I have almost zero (not really, but close) and my grandma is here, I've been learning how to cook! :) Sort of. My grandma usually prepares the ingredients and sauces and all before I even wake up, so the only thing I do is cook everything on the wok itself. So if I had to leave for UK tmrw, I'd still have no idea how to prepare anything. YAYERZ. 

4. Researching
Yeap, been doing research on osteogenesis imperfecta. Refer to #1 ^

5. Gardening
Helping my mum to gardening at the bungalow. The flowers and plants there aren't to her liking, so she's sort of redoing the whole garden. And dragging me along to help her. Here's what I've learned so far:
  • - even more than my mum. I'm surprised.
  • I hate soil.
  • Soil makes me sick.
  • Gardening gives you loads and loads and loads of insect bites.
I really do hate gardening.

6. Selling off books
A Levels is OVER. (I LOVE saying that.) and since Jason is quite certain that he doesn't want to take Science subjects for his A Levels, I'm selling off all my books! Had to organize and reorganize them, and now the book list is up, price list is up, and I'm just waiting for people to get them off my hands! :)

7. Teaching Jason how to use the calculator
Jason is in Form 5. AND APPARENTLY HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO USE THE CALCULATOR. *shoots self in head* My brother, ladies and gentlemen. Is A Genius. 

8. Planning trips in my head
This whole week, I've been stuck at home because Lynn is working and Shman is lightyears away in Taiwan. So no one to teman me do fun stuff :'( But but I've planned so many things I wanna do! I wanna go to myBurgerlab & Dip n Dip & Shman still owes me lemon chicken & butter prawns at Groupbase and I wanna have a movie marathon and I wanna watch Great Gatsby and I wanna go for badminton and pool and shopping and so many other stuff. SHMAN FASTER BRING MEH :'( 

I still suck at ending posts. 
Kay lah that's allllllllllllllllll. Byebyeeeeee! 

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