Wednesday, March 26, 2014

100 Happy Days: Day 22 to 28 :)

Day 22: 17th Mar '14
Celebrated Sarah's birthday after group work! :) everyone really enjoyed the cake, which Lynn & I baked, so yeah #proudmoment :P Stayed back a little after that to just talk & hang. So thankful for Group 15 (yes I know I keep repeating this)

Day 23: 18th Mar '14
1. DR sesh today was craycray! We had to turn our cadavers around because the session today was for the gluteal region, & omg the amount of adipose tissue. We started dissecting & it just seemed to be a never ending layer of adipose tissue. Wish I could have taken a picture for y'all but it's not allowed & I'm pretty sure if I did post it here there'd be some 'JAAAAAAAAAAAAS WHYYYYYYY' responses hahah :P But omg after we cut through the whole layer of adipose tissue & flapped it over, it was as thick as my Anatomy book. Like this.

You see, the problem with cadavers with a lot of fatty tissue is that it's really difficult to see stuff cuz we've to clean off everything - trust me, it's difficult. One of our clinical demonstrators came up to us and said that 'In one session, you'll be doing more dissecting than Cambridge students do in a semester!', referring to all the work we had to do hahahah -____- Our group also had sort of an exhibition heh, so many people suddenly started pouring over to see the slab of adipose that we'd just dissected through. It was crazy, we kept having to show them omg hahah. But yeah we managed to get everything done & see all the structures, including the sciatic nerve, which was really really gorgeous! ;) After that, the same clinical demonsrtator came over & he spazzed over what we'd done! :) He said he'd lost hope for us at first & he was so surprised that we could see so much! He also told us that other clin dems told him we were good dissectors ;) we were all so proud omg hahahah :')

2. Study sesh with T! :) Was quite productive yayyy.
3. Donovan bought me nasi lemak omg omg omg omg yayyy :') saving it for tmrw's dinner! :) #deprivedwednesdays

Day 24: 19th Mar '14
1. Funfunfun group work sesh :)
2. Got Starbucks with Siau Chian & Jason, & we all ended up getting the exact same thing hahah. Hung out for a bit, then Siau Chian left. Helped Donovan buy Starbucks then went to watch him play badminton heheh. Jason & I zho deng at the side, having a little heart-to-heart :) Afterwards we left & went to MSB to study- sort of. Eventually we started playing puzzles hahaha so lazyyy.


Day 25: 20th Mar '14
1. My baby brother did really well for his SPM! 6A+s and 3As, even better than me hahahah :'D He also passed his driving test yayyyyy. Proud of him :)
2. Donovan invited me to his friend's place for lunch! It was curry omg curry I tell you curry. It was so good I wanted to kiss his friend HAHAHAHA. But yeah you get my drift.

Day 26: 21st Mar '14
1. Had a cupcake!
2. Lunch with T, Jason & Vei Lynn. Spent quite a while looking for a place to sit in the SU, then decided to just sit outside. It was FREEZING. Then we explored the main campus a lil bit more, cuz us medic students are quite lost when it comes to the main campus hahahah. We only know our building psh. Went to see the dinosaur in the Geology building, then went up the paternoster in Attenborough. I've been here 6 months and I've never been up it hahah. Fail student weh. It was super cool, although a bit slow- going up 18 floors took a while heh. Coming down though, Vei  Lynn has a fear of heights and you know me, I've a fear of lifts falling and things like that so.. that was not fun -_____-
3. Extra lecture finished early yayyyy!
4. Watched Zohan with Lucy :)

Day 27: 22nd Mar '14
1. Went for afternoon tea with the girls! : Eugene, Julia, Lucy, Anlia & Vei Lynn ;) Food wasn't too good, but company was fantastic hee :D

2. Porridge & wings with  Lucy & Minhee! :) Also watched Mean Girls hahah.

Day 28: 23rd Mar '14
1. A 6am call, eeee.
2. Have I ever mentioned that I really like cuddling? :)
3. Spoke to Lynn & my parents!

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