this week was the most tiring .. know why ?? we did detective work , right lynn ?? and we found out sooo much (: i'm WAS speechless .. and i didn't know whether to laugh .. or cry .. haha. lets get on with it , shall we ??
on monday we found out that he and ' her ' go for the same bm tuition .. and guess where the tuition is ?? HER HOUSE. ughhhhh.. and did i mention , their houses are sooo close together .. maybe she even keeps an eye on him all the time ); and we won't even know ..
on tuesday we found out that they go back together .. on the same bus / van / car .. whatever vehicle it is laaaa !!! so we were wondering .. do they even sit together ...?!!! this is seriously driving me crazy !!!!
on wednesday actually we didn't find out anything much .. except that today he was so lonely .. maybe because his darling didn't come ): yea .. my best friend didn't come today .. so it was quite quiet .. not as noisy as usual .. i miss her !!! ughhh . dash's fault laaa .. he ' menjangkit ' his food poisoning to her !!! issshhhh
on thursday my other best friend didn't come ... BONNIE !!!! * sigh * why ? why ? why ?? even without one of them , it feels different ... but she came for the prefect ' ikrar ' thingy .. so we were together !!! oh yea .. ' that GIRL ' said that she hated lynn ): how dare she ??!!!! she deliberately insulted my darling !! if she wants him , fight fair laa!!!
today school was just normal laaa .. except that a form 4/5 guy said to me , " tampar kang " just because i asked him to go into his line . ughhhh =.= isshhhhh.
after tuition lynn and i walked back to my hse .. planned to play badminton .. but halfway thru , we stopped and went to jit san's hse to play need for speed !! yayyyy !! i beat lynn twice ..!!!! hehe . lynn , still remember our beautiful porsche's ????
Friday, April 25, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
david archuleta <3
ohhhh myyyy goddddd. yesterday was american idol night !! n guess wat ?? david did the signal AGAIN !!! u knowww .. his left hand over his heart ?? * sigh * yaaaaaayyyy !!!! during angels week , n now !!!! yaaaaaayyy !!! luv david !!
*the sign was actually a request by us ( david's fans ) on the american idol website :D
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
simbahan air
i was so depressed yesterday dat i 4got to tell abt kh .. ughhhhh. i got all wet .. its all lee king n lee's faults .. shitupits . they sprayed water all over me !!! lee king sprayed all over my hair !!!! lee pulak ... got spray on my uniform !!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh !!! i think d water is dirty water !!! lee king said dat it's from d toilet .. if it really is , i'll really haunt u guys tonite ..
and guess wat ?? drumroll plssssss.. * claps * 2day they announced the results for the trainee prefects .. lynn scared me .. she told me dat only 4 ppl would be picked for 1 classs .... so my name was d 7th .. but i got it !!!! yay !!!!! i'm in ... !! and bonnie , jabbar n haziq are IN tooo !! duty starts tomorrow !! wish me luck !!
btw during taekwando , puteri received her 1st letter from her ADMIRER .. good luck puteri !!!
bak pepatah syamim , " saya amat berbangga kpd adik haziq .. krn telah sudi berbogel !! " haha ...
and guess wat ?? drumroll plssssss.. * claps * 2day they announced the results for the trainee prefects .. lynn scared me .. she told me dat only 4 ppl would be picked for 1 classs .... so my name was d 7th .. but i got it !!!! yay !!!!! i'm in ... !! and bonnie , jabbar n haziq are IN tooo !! duty starts tomorrow !! wish me luck !!
btw during taekwando , puteri received her 1st letter from her ADMIRER .. good luck puteri !!!
bak pepatah syamim , " saya amat berbangga kpd adik haziq .. krn telah sudi berbogel !! " haha ...
Monday, April 14, 2008
tearing apart my mind , body and soul
MOOD : depressed , feeling DOWN.
WHY ? : i'll just keep it to myself..
ughhh i feel so saddd. i wasted my mineral salt on him ... why why why ?? why am i so stupid ?? he's not worth it ...!!!! he only makes me hurt .. n NOT ONLY ME , my darling tooooo .. why do i like him ??? why ?? he's not worth giving all my heart and soul too .. he doesn't care about my feelings .. he doesn't care at all !!!!!!! i can't even trust him !!!
i wonder what he does behind our backs , ryte lynn ?? maybe he already ' curang ' .. he's hiding something from us ..! i'm vry vry vry sad .. i think i'll go cut myself again .. why do i hurt myself for him ??!!!! he's the only reason why i'm hurt .. really hurt .. he might think that its the cut on my hand that hurts ,.. doesn't he know that he hurt me more ????? he broke my heart , and he mended it again .. just so he could get it broken again ...
i want to try to forget him .. give myself a second chance .. but everytime i see him i just forget everything i've tried .. everything i've done .. when i call , he doesn't pick up .. when i msg him , he doesn't reply .. miss call him , he nvr calls back ..
why do i cry for him ??! i cry and cry and cry and cry .. almost non-stop because of that guy .. and what does he do ?? does he try to comfort ?? or just say the word ' sorry ' ?? no. he just says these words " i didn't do anything " , " its not my fault " , " and the one that hurt me the most " its not me , its you "
but at some times , he can be caring .. like at the time he said that " who said i don't care ? i care laa " .. i really broke down .. its so easy for him .. he can be one guy , the one who hurts me .. and the other guy , the one who cares .. ( sometimes , at least )
but i want him to be like the second one .. only now .. i understand the quote :-
WHY ? : i'll just keep it to myself..
ughhh i feel so saddd. i wasted my mineral salt on him ... why why why ?? why am i so stupid ?? he's not worth it ...!!!! he only makes me hurt .. n NOT ONLY ME , my darling tooooo .. why do i like him ??? why ?? he's not worth giving all my heart and soul too .. he doesn't care about my feelings .. he doesn't care at all !!!!!!! i can't even trust him !!!
i wonder what he does behind our backs , ryte lynn ?? maybe he already ' curang ' .. he's hiding something from us ..! i'm vry vry vry sad .. i think i'll go cut myself again .. why do i hurt myself for him ??!!!! he's the only reason why i'm hurt .. really hurt .. he might think that its the cut on my hand that hurts ,.. doesn't he know that he hurt me more ????? he broke my heart , and he mended it again .. just so he could get it broken again ...
i want to try to forget him .. give myself a second chance .. but everytime i see him i just forget everything i've tried .. everything i've done .. when i call , he doesn't pick up .. when i msg him , he doesn't reply .. miss call him , he nvr calls back ..
why do i cry for him ??! i cry and cry and cry and cry .. almost non-stop because of that guy .. and what does he do ?? does he try to comfort ?? or just say the word ' sorry ' ?? no. he just says these words " i didn't do anything " , " its not my fault " , " and the one that hurt me the most " its not me , its you "
but at some times , he can be caring .. like at the time he said that " who said i don't care ? i care laa " .. i really broke down .. its so easy for him .. he can be one guy , the one who hurts me .. and the other guy , the one who cares .. ( sometimes , at least )
but i want him to be like the second one .. only now .. i understand the quote :-
love hurts , so turn your back against it , give up on it ..
because love really hurts .. and it can just cut through you like a knife .. you know in those movies where sometimes people just try to commit suicide ?? well , love is just like that .. except that its more bitter , and it can really tear your heart apart ..
why can't i just give up ??!
because love really hurts .. and it can just cut through you like a knife .. you know in those movies where sometimes people just try to commit suicide ?? well , love is just like that .. except that its more bitter , and it can really tear your heart apart ..
why can't i just give up ??!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Help !!!
sometimes he really acts lyk he understands how i feel , and dat he cares .. at other times he just acts soooo different .. its disappointing ..
can u guys give me an answer ?? why are guys like that ??
can u guys give me an answer ?? why are guys like that ??
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Disappointing ..
ughh. he has been ignoring me since abt 1.30 p.m. today .. and now's abt 6 sumthing .. ishhhh. abt 5 hours .. called him .. din pick up .. messaged him , din reply ..
sooo disappointing ..
sooo disappointing ..
Friday, April 11, 2008
walking round d park ;D
MOOD : crazy ..
WHY ? : john tucker must die :) lol.
while walking back :-
well i'm going 2 ask lynn 4 his email later on .. wan 2 add more ppl .
btw i 4got to tell , yesterday lee king had to read syair .. it was so nice .. yea ryte. so funny laaa.. gooo lee kingggggg !!
ughh . hv 2 go for dinner .. bbye !!!!!!
WHY ? : john tucker must die :) lol.
2day after tuition lynn and i were walking back 2 my hse .. 2 play badminton !! yay !! we spent abt 20 minutes asking teacher stupid questions so dat time would pass FASTER .. heehee.. so evil ryte ?? but evil is lynn's middle name , so .. not shocking ryte ??
while walking back :-
lynn : i think dat looks like jit san laa
jaslyn : ohh really ??
lynn : i think dats aunty sue n jit san
jaslyn : ohh really ??
lynn : i think dats aunty sue n jit san
( both of us wave )
lynn : yea i think its them ..
jaslyn : if its nt them den how ??
lynn : uhh
jaslyn : ...
lynn : i dun think its them la .... :(
jaslyn : lynn !!!!!!!!!!! ughhhhh.
lynn : ahh its them !!
jaslyn : if its nt them den how ??
lynn : uhh
jaslyn : ...
lynn : i dun think its them la .... :(
jaslyn : lynn !!!!!!!!!!! ughhhhh.
lynn : ahh its them !!
( wave again )
den we went to get my racket n jit san's racket at the hse .. after dat we played outside .. but den got all these STUPID cars .. keep making us stop our game ..
jalan jalan cari mkn .. ohh sorry .. jalan jalan sambil makan .. at least dats wat lynn and i did .. eat snacks while walking 2 d park 2 play badminton . weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... so den we played at d place where d boys usually play their football .. sorry guys ;(
after playing 4 some time , den lynn said dat she thought ( AGAIN ??! ) dat she saw amir hamzah .. plss dun ask me ..? i din even know who he was at dat time ..
so we walked to the edge of the row .. den lynn went ' i dah agak its you ' .. so dey talked n talked n talked n talked n talked. STOP. deep breathe b4 i continue .. den we played badminton together laaaa. he's quite nice .. i guess ..?
den we went to get my racket n jit san's racket at the hse .. after dat we played outside .. but den got all these STUPID cars .. keep making us stop our game ..
jalan jalan cari mkn .. ohh sorry .. jalan jalan sambil makan .. at least dats wat lynn and i did .. eat snacks while walking 2 d park 2 play badminton . weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... so den we played at d place where d boys usually play their football .. sorry guys ;(
after playing 4 some time , den lynn said dat she thought ( AGAIN ??! ) dat she saw amir hamzah .. plss dun ask me ..? i din even know who he was at dat time ..
so we walked to the edge of the row .. den lynn went ' i dah agak its you ' .. so dey talked n talked n talked n talked n talked. STOP. deep breathe b4 i continue .. den we played badminton together laaaa. he's quite nice .. i guess ..?
amir : ong ee lynn
lynn : its lee ee lynn laa
amir : lee ? who's dat ??
lynn : ohh someone laaaaaaa
lynn : its lee ee lynn laa
amir : lee ? who's dat ??
lynn : ohh someone laaaaaaa
well i'm going 2 ask lynn 4 his email later on .. wan 2 add more ppl .
btw i 4got to tell , yesterday lee king had to read syair .. it was so nice .. yea ryte. so funny laaa.. gooo lee kingggggg !!
ughh . hv 2 go for dinner .. bbye !!!!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
post for tuesday
2day during taekwando i juz watched wat everyone did laaaaa. so boring .. grading today . wait wait wait until everyone finish .. soooo boring ..
den evonia , lee king , theeban , puteri n ( shit )'s turns to do .. ughhhhh.
sorry for all these criticizing. juz plain bored. sorry u guys. u guys sucked. ;D not really laaaaaaa. juz d 360.. haha. i oso can't do REALLY properly laa . right leg can .. left leg cnnt.
den evonia , lee king , theeban , puteri n ( shit )'s turns to do .. ughhhhh.
sorry for all these criticizing. juz plain bored. sorry u guys. u guys sucked. ;D not really laaaaaaa. juz d 360.. haha. i oso can't do REALLY properly laa . right leg can .. left leg cnnt.
den later d technique was seriously PLAIN SHIT. d pairing was juz idiotic ..
ughh. sorry laaa.
juz bored...
buh bye.
ughh. sorry laaa.
juz bored...
buh bye.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
vandalism . thank you ethan.!!
before i continue , ethan is not the GUY for me. ethan is just a guy ( 9 yrs ) that i met today.
lynn , pak cik jab , jit san and i went walking around bukit jelutong ( well , not the whole bukit jelutong ) yesterday - friday . jannah and emo camel were supposed to come too .. but they had to ruin all the fun ;) haha.
while walking we listened to some music .. 1st jabbar kept listening to this song , TOUCH MY BODY. haahaa. den he changed .. " lets listen to a sad song " so he changed it to GOODBYE by S CLUB 7 . dat song reflected how i almost felt at that time .. go jabbar !! nice choice .. den he switched on the THINK OF ME in phantom of the opera .. omg .. everyone was staring at us !!! aarghhhh. so embarassing ..
at 1st we were walking AIMLESSLY. n den .. i think lynn suggested dat we go to haziq's hse.. but when we reached there , his bike was not there .. den jabbar called kml to see if haziq went to the basketball court , but noooo . ahha. no wonder laaa . haziq went for camping ..
den we went to yi ling's hse .. the dogs juz barked at us .. it was lyk " bark , snort , bark , snort " haha. so we juz walked off .. den we walked to juan's hse ..
so we stopped at the cycling park and jabbar was lyk " lets go sit at the bench " den we walked there n juz sat n talked there . jit san was stilllll sitting on his bike ..

we were talking abt sumthing funny .. ( ryte u guys ?? ) den these 3 guys who were cycling suddenly pointed to us n said " you see ? vandalism .. " .. we were sooo shocked .. what did we do ?? den d CUTE guy said again : " you know what vandalism is ?? vandalism is drawing on boards " haha . actually he was talking abt a board near us .. it was vandalised .. ahhaha .. omg .. we laughed sooo much .. den he told his friend abt " i saw a f word in the playground " .. haha . so innocent .. <33>lynn : u know what ?? u look like my boyfriend ..
leng chai : i'm too young to have a girlfriend ..
lynn : noo laa . u look like my boyfriend ..
leng chai : i don't have a girlfriend ..
hahaha .. omg .. dat was soo funny . his name is ethan .. den lynn showed him her ' bf's ' picture .. den he was lyk " that looks like me to me " lolx. the other guy was lyk " yea laaaa .. he's handsome laaa "
haha. den we walked back home ..
lynn , pak cik jab , jit san and i went walking around bukit jelutong ( well , not the whole bukit jelutong ) yesterday - friday . jannah and emo camel were supposed to come too .. but they had to ruin all the fun ;) haha.
while walking we listened to some music .. 1st jabbar kept listening to this song , TOUCH MY BODY. haahaa. den he changed .. " lets listen to a sad song " so he changed it to GOODBYE by S CLUB 7 . dat song reflected how i almost felt at that time .. go jabbar !! nice choice .. den he switched on the THINK OF ME in phantom of the opera .. omg .. everyone was staring at us !!! aarghhhh. so embarassing ..
at 1st we were walking AIMLESSLY. n den .. i think lynn suggested dat we go to haziq's hse.. but when we reached there , his bike was not there .. den jabbar called kml to see if haziq went to the basketball court , but noooo . ahha. no wonder laaa . haziq went for camping ..
den we went to yi ling's hse .. the dogs juz barked at us .. it was lyk " bark , snort , bark , snort " haha. so we juz walked off .. den we walked to juan's hse ..
so we stopped at the cycling park and jabbar was lyk " lets go sit at the bench " den we walked there n juz sat n talked there . jit san was stilllll sitting on his bike ..
we were talking abt sumthing funny .. ( ryte u guys ?? ) den these 3 guys who were cycling suddenly pointed to us n said " you see ? vandalism .. " .. we were sooo shocked .. what did we do ?? den d CUTE guy said again : " you know what vandalism is ?? vandalism is drawing on boards " haha . actually he was talking abt a board near us .. it was vandalised .. ahhaha .. omg .. we laughed sooo much .. den he told his friend abt " i saw a f word in the playground " .. haha . so innocent .. <33>lynn : u know what ?? u look like my boyfriend ..
leng chai : i'm too young to have a girlfriend ..
lynn : noo laa . u look like my boyfriend ..
leng chai : i don't have a girlfriend ..
hahaha .. omg .. dat was soo funny . his name is ethan .. den lynn showed him her ' bf's ' picture .. den he was lyk " that looks like me to me " lolx. the other guy was lyk " yea laaaa .. he's handsome laaa "
haha. den we walked back home ..
Thursday, April 3, 2008
well i 4got 2 tell abt our picture-taking 2day.
d 1st one was quite boring.
but d candid was fun!!
i was sitting in front so i juz slid down. n HURT MY LEG. boohoohoo.
so everyone from d family anj ( well almost everyone ) ran in front ..
i was lyk hugging lynn with one hand .. n d other hand was lyk trying to hold pu3..
haziq kept turning round n round till i called him 2 sit. dat was soo hilarious.
well dats all . passing d comp back to jnnh. nows klb computer btw.
d 1st one was quite boring.
but d candid was fun!!
i was sitting in front so i juz slid down. n HURT MY LEG. boohoohoo.
so everyone from d family anj ( well almost everyone ) ran in front ..
i was lyk hugging lynn with one hand .. n d other hand was lyk trying to hold pu3..
haziq kept turning round n round till i called him 2 sit. dat was soo hilarious.
well dats all . passing d comp back to jnnh. nows klb computer btw.
so it was on tuesday dat lynn put her bottle on d ledge .. n den we were lyk .. umm. " jabbar !! picture picture !! i want to picture you !! " n den all of a sudden i moved back n knocked dat bottle n it dropped down down down down .
so after dat i tried to lyk grab it n FAILURE. so den it dropped so dramatically. lyk SPLASH. jnnh and nik were lyk so FASCINATED .. jnnh was lyk .. " dat was sooo fascinating " .. so lynn n i were lyk ' sorry sorry sorry sorry ' u know how it goes .
taekwando sucks. sir torture again. ask lee king laaa wat happened. it sucked .
so dat was for tuesday. now for 2day.
i cut my hand today. all cuz dat idiot laaaaaa. all his fault . he was buzy floating with lime , as usual. so idiot was lyk " nthing wrong laaaaa ". n lynn said dat he called her " f*** " god , he's getting so vulgar. he called me dat tooooo .
i regret dat i lyk him. plsssssss i want to forget himmmmmm.
he din even object when i cut my hand :( he juz said dat it was my hand , not his . so it was not his problem. i'm starting to hate him.
he sucks. he hurt me :( seriously.
so it was on tuesday dat lynn put her bottle on d ledge .. n den we were lyk .. umm. " jabbar !! picture picture !! i want to picture you !! " n den all of a sudden i moved back n knocked dat bottle n it dropped down down down down .
so after dat i tried to lyk grab it n FAILURE. so den it dropped so dramatically. lyk SPLASH. jnnh and nik were lyk so FASCINATED .. jnnh was lyk .. " dat was sooo fascinating " .. so lynn n i were lyk ' sorry sorry sorry sorry ' u know how it goes .
taekwando sucks. sir torture again. ask lee king laaa wat happened. it sucked .
so dat was for tuesday. now for 2day.
i cut my hand today. all cuz dat idiot laaaaaa. all his fault . he was buzy floating with lime , as usual. so idiot was lyk " nthing wrong laaaaa ". n lynn said dat he called her " f*** " god , he's getting so vulgar. he called me dat tooooo .
i regret dat i lyk him. plsssssss i want to forget himmmmmm.
he din even object when i cut my hand :( he juz said dat it was my hand , not his . so it was not his problem. i'm starting to hate him.
he sucks. he hurt me :( seriously.
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