Saturday, May 15, 2010

lynn's story

SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2010

this post is dedicated to a blinded girl and a noble guy

upcoming post will sound dumb but heck, idc :)

once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, theres a princess. she has always been waiting for a knight in shining armour to catch her in his arms and live happily ever after. day and night, she will daydream about her 'face-less' prince charming.

and so one fine day, while she was picking berries in a nearby forest, she saw a prince. very handsome i'd say, he was riding on his horse. and bam, she was in love with him. she thought, 'hey, this is my white horse prince charming'. sadly the prince didnt feel the same way towards her, she was sad, very sad. her heart was shattered. she moved on though.

oh i forgot the most important bit, the princess has a servant. her servant is her rant pole, her box of secrets and most importantly her bestfriend :) btw, the servant is a guy. the servant is secretly in love with the princess. she didnt knew it at first but she had a hunch, and her hunch was right :) i guess its an unrequited love when the princess doesnt love the servant back. he was her bestfriend and never she expected that to happen. he was totally fine with it though.

few months passed, again she was picking berries in the forest. and AGAIN, she saw a guy. this time he aint a prince, hes a very talented artist. very talented. but this time, she wasnt keen in liking this dude, it was a 'ok ok la' kind of situation. the princess and the artist became close after some time and the artist realize hes in love with the princess. the artist told the servant boy and let me say this, the servant boy STUPIDLY told the princess. after hearing what he said, she too fell in love with the artist. but, after a few days the artist realized that, 'hey i dont think i love her'. the princess found out.

and again, the princess became very very very sad. very sad indeed, her heart shattered into a million gazillion pieces again. the servant boy was really sad too. he tried to comfort her, but i guess it didnt work. he wanted to make her feel better but he couldnt.

the story stops here :)

dear princess,
you're blinded by a thick thick mist.
but to you silly girl, the thick mist is something very beautiful.
if you try to open your eyes bigger and search for a clear view.
you'll realize the view infront of you without the mist is something VERY beautiful.
the person whos been caring for you ALL THE WHILE is the beautiful scenery im talking about.
you just dont realize that, the person is the one that cares most for you.

the prince and the artist aint the 'knight in shining armour', maybe the servant aint too but what im trying to imply here is, in your deepest darkest moment, you still have a person that cares for you and not hurt you like what mr princey and mr artisty did.
but again princess, its still your choice to just admire it or build your castle at the beautiful secenery :)

the ending is for the princess to decide :)
when its decided, perhaps i will post it over here

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