1. LYNN :D

ahha. here goes. :D this is my best bestie EVER, lynno . i've known lynn since uhh, 5 years?? WOWEEE. i still remember the times, where we played badminton with each other. the times when we made REALLY LOOOOONGGG NECKLACES out of the flowers that we picked from our houses. we playes cops and robbers, chasing each other round and round and round and round. spraying each other with water, from the water guns, the hoses. OMG WET !! GAHHH !! :D i still remember those fond times. *sigh* riteee lynn??
she is one special gal who is hard to forget. she always makes me smile whenever i'm down ( which is most of the time ) and she knows whenever i have problems. although its badddd sometimes =.=
lynn, i loveeee youuu . lynn likes lin dan like mee ! and she loves her MANCHESTER UNITED. MANCHESTER UNITED SUCKS LAA, LYNNO !! and liverpool rocksss the worlddd !! yayy !! she also thinks that rooney is cute, OMG. no wayyyy !! rooney tak cutee punn !! ahha :D
i'm so lazy to write more laa, lynn !! i guess that's all . lastly, LYNN, I LOVEEE YOUUU SOOO MUCCCH. you know that ritee? (:

okaaay. evonia is another very very very IMPORTANT person in my lifeee :) she always makes me laugh whenever i feel bad/ emo. you know how? by arguing with mr. king kong , duuh !! although i've only known her for less than a year, she knows me sooooo well :D its so tambifying. hah.
evonia loveesss ac milan's kaka. hmmph. tak hot punnn !! :P my evonia is my special baboon. SHE LOVES NAFIS !! and she tends to get JEALOUS :D of meee !! yayy !! haha.
baboon is a prefect too, like meee !! ahha. at least i have a temannnn (:

there's only oneee word to describe janoh - GAYYYY :D janoh is always gayyy . she's like the gayest person everrrr :) sorry, darlinggg :P janoh understands mee, and she even created another name for mee - jess-leen . aww, how touchinggg. janoh is NOT A FOOTBALL FAN, unlike mee .. i've only known janoh less than a yearrr . i remember when i started being friends with lynn, i thought she was mad at mee >.< gosssh =".=" style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">what else?? hmm. janoh loves her taufik and sms. but kesian, jess is anti-sms. he's not cute punn !! hhmphh. however, i still loveee youuu and your gayness. oh yeah janoh has achieved OPTIMUM GAYNESS !! high 5 !!
remember what we saw kml do just now? he was raping ah keong OMGOMG!!

uhhhh. starting with haziq, maybe? haziq is just plain GAY. and i mean REALLY REALLY GAY. TRUST MEE !! beware of haziq !! he just loves scaring mee, don't you , haziq?? and he loves chess. i mean , all those 3 guys up there just LOVE CHESS TOO MUCH. THEY'LL DIE WITHOUT CHESS FOR ONE DAY !! SERIOUSLY. sheesh =.= even i'm not THAAAT crazy !!!! haziq is like a brother to mee. he always helps me out :D thank you, haziq !!
and then , there's nafis. mr. lelaki sejati, not like KAMAL !! hmmph. nafis is also a chess freakkk !! i think i remember, the 1st sentence he ever said to me was " JAS, JUM MAIN CHESS ! " hah. both nafis and kml hv a deal with mee , WHOEVER CURSES GETS SLAPPED !! ahha, so much FUNN !! nafis understands mee !! I LOVEEE MY/ EVONIA'S NAFIS (: haha.
lastly, kml. ohh the camel. i've only known him for a short while.. kml is just, the best !! he knows how to cheer me up. and he's emo , just like mee !! although he's always emo =.= kml understands mee !! riteee? he thought me not to be emo. simply, KAMAL ROCKS.
although his flu sucks. his virus just spreads everywhereee !! and always, i'll be the one who catches his cold. and thenn, you know laaah :) but still, kml is MINEEE , MINEEE , MINEEE !! I WOVEEEE YOUUU ;D

leeking :) one of the most special people in my lifeee :D hah. he is just too blurr for words. seriously. and he is a PENAKUT !! ahha. really really !! HE LOVES MANCHESTER UNITED, like lynn. sheesh. always arguing with mee =.= but mostly, he lovesss arguing with evonia !! one day without arguing is like the end of the world . :P leeking is gayyy , i mean , all the guys in 2 omg are.!! he always knows when i'm pissed. haha, and sometimes he tries to help , although he doesn't succeed. leeking, thnk u for being who u are. i love you? ( maybe :D )
OMGOMG THIS IS JUST LOADS OF TYPING. =.= AND I'M SO LAZY. to be continued.... :)
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