talking about neopets and pokemons and OTHER STUFFS with lynn, ashman, hari, and kuok fung.
kuok fung told us that defiance once named himself LAURENCE, and mdm ho said that he has an identity crisis.
rehearsal for hari anugerah cemerlang. chess-ed.
argued with hazwan. :D
(it was a HUGGGGGGEE argument okay? -.- it went on and on and on, from the dewan to the class and all the way when we were walking out of school. oh and it was LOUDDDDDD. there was loads of shouting, NO! I WON! YOU LOST! and ADMIT IT ALREADY, YOU LOST. COME ON LAH -.-' etc etc LAWL) -.-
physics. got rotan-ed cause we were late. ughh.
hosting thingy.
permainan dalaman- hazwan, sehran and andrew bought DOMINOS :O haha. i DIPAKSA oleh everyone to eat a piece -.-' siao. played against shman, mior, his friend, and sehran. OBVIOUSLY, i lost to ashman. what i didn't expect was to lose so terribly. i think most of the game went on with me repeating deep down, OW. OW OW OW. lesson learned: NEVER EVER play with ashman ever again. not until i'm ready. which will be a LONG LONG LONG LONG LONG time from now. it really pissed me off that i lost so terribly -.- gr. i hereby promise to never play with ashman ever again. and shman, stop saying that i bully people. you bullied me. heh :P
won against mior. won against his friend, TWICE (: won against sehran :D WEEEEEEEEEEE! :)
*tergila-gila happy*
then, we played TRIPLE CHESS. first time :O the two people on the side pass their taken? pieces to the middle person, and middle person passes their again, taken? pieces to either side of the table. their choice. it was beta vs epsilon, which means, hari, ashman and me vs sehran, hazwan and andrew. i can't remember the final result, cause the main thing i remember is loads of yellings of 'PIECES, I NEED PIECES!' haha XD
plus, the argument/ debate between me and hazwan isn't over yet. stay tuned. and dear hazwan, YOU LOST. GIVE UPPP! ;D
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