Part of our conversation went like this:
*Important for later
Meanwhile, I was also whatsapp-ing KFung, who sent me this:
*Also important for later
Anywaaaaaays, Lynn picked me up on Saturday, and off we went! Both Shman & Sehran had some other stuff to do apparently, so they went on their own. We were arriving at Oasis when Lynn took a wrong turn then went 'JAAAAAAS WHY NEVER TELL ME' >________> I wasn't sure of the way myself, how to tell la ish. Arrived at Tappers a while later, and Shman was already there waiting. I was about to take my seat when Shman insisted that he wanted me to sit to his left (which also faced the outside world & meant that my back was towards the rest of the restaurant). I didn't suspect anything la cuz his reasoning was that he wanted to camwhore with me with the Tappers sign at the back -____- Lynn went to the bathroom cuz she was feeling a little uncomfortable (tummy pain heh) & Shman then decided to do a vlog. Again, not suspicious cuz it's such a Shman thing to do lol. The weird part tho, was when Lynn came back from the toilet & Shman gave her this look & went, 'In how many minutes is Sehran arriving?' He emphasized the 'Sehran' like hell, so that was pelik >______> Afterwards Lynn explained, saying they actually had a cake for me & they were just waiting for Sehran to arrive. Okay la, I accepted that explanation- plausible whuuuuuut.
After a while, Shman's phone started vibrating so I picked it up la. It was an unsaved number, but I recognised it somehow, & since Sehran was supposed to be here, I thought it was Sehran's heh. Shman panicked & snatched the phone from me >______> Which I thought was pretty a-holing of him la at the time.
Shman was still vlogging about 10 minutes later, Lynn was back & we were just talking about some random stuff. Suddenly, this thing person grabbed/ backhugged me & I freaked a little la. All I could see was said person's arm, who was clearly a guy, and since said person was considerably fair, I shrieked 'KEONG AH?' after a short process of elimination - the only 2 Chinese guys in the Mafias are Leek & KFung. Leek was in Bristol, KFung in Singapore (bored in his room apparently >______> ). The few other people Lynn would invite would be Theeb & Keong. It definitely wasn't Theeb's shade of colour, so must be Keong la right? Nope. Lynn & Shman started laughing their asses off, I turned around & it was KFung omgggggggg T________T
I very nearly teared but thankfully(?) I went into my stunned state instead, so that was that. Immediately jumped up & hugged him to death, then scolded him for lying to me hahahah. The rest of the vlog was of me telling Shman to 'switch the thing off' & trying to hide face heh. It really was the best surprise ever. In Chinese, I'd say, mou dak deng.
Sehran came after a bit, having missed all of the excitement. Later on, I found out that
1. KFung actually sent the toll message to the wrong person, heh. He meant to send it to Lynn, but instead accidentally sent it to me. Lucky for him, 'toll' seemed like an appropriate typo for 'toilet', & it really wasn't weird for him to whatsapp me from the toilet >_____>
2. When Lynn said she was too busy working to teman me on Friday, she was actually picking up KFung.
3. Lynn purposely took the wrong turn because she was worried we would bump into Shman & KFung on the road.
4. They'd wanted to capture the moment, & Shman went, 'leave it to me.' Genius with his vlog idea gr.
5. KFung's 'I is so bored in my room' message was a huge lie.
6. The reason Lynn kept going to the bathroom (apart from the fact that she indeed have a tummy ache) was that KFung was hiding there. Apparently he nearly got kicked out cuz he was there for so long HAHAHA
7. The person who called Shman was actually KFung, not Sehran.
8. They were indeed planning a surprise for me :')
When we finally settled down enough, we had our lunch. Even deciding what to eat was difficult, the guys for some reason couldn't just order the same thing apparently. They all wanted Set 1, then someone insisted that since he was getting Set 1, another person had to order the last set, Set 15, & then the final person had to order the middle set. THE STUPIDITY. They were still going on about it even when the waiter was already taking the order -________-
Happy, happy, happy :D
After lunch, we wanted to hang about for a little more. The guys wanted coffee, & we decided to walk around Oasis in search of a cafe.
Walking also was a huge problem. Sehran especially kept complaining about how hot it was, and we'd only walked a VERY SHORT distance then. Then we finally spotted Pacific Coffee, but to get to the entrance, we had to cross a bridge. Small bridge only la actually, those ones only for decoration. Shman did his usual dramatic acts on the bridge & well, this random passer by gave him judging looks. Typical hahahah.
Went in and while the guys were deciding what to order, Lynn and I were discussing our cravings for waffles. Eventually, we scrapped the coffee idea and decided to head to Inside Scoop instead! :D Oh and when I say eventually, it took us ages to finally decide -_____- Walking back to the car, Sehran made even more noise about how we made him walk in the hot sun unnecessarily yada yada yada. #bising
The drive there was crazy omg. The guys were acting all insane, shrieking (not singing) songs, remixing them (eg: Somewhere Over The Rainbow), echoing each others words, playing with a stick they found in Lynn's car & trying to be the next KikiLala, & Sehran was using Lynn's monopod to comb our hair. Dying now just thinking about it HAHAHAHA :'D I have some of their antics on video, and it really doesn't get any better than that heh.
At Inside Scoop,
We fed each otherrrrrrrrrrrr
So much loveeeeeeee <3 p="">3>
Ps: Note the knife that Sehran's holding on Shman's neck hahahah
Excuse me ;)
This picture tho omg HAHAHAH :D :D :D

Read more here as well!
Disclaimer: As I'm typing this, it's 1am & I'm feeling quite tired so my brain isn't functioning as well as it usually is. Which is why the details are hazy, and I feel like I'm just going to let the pictures do most of the talking.
After that, we headed back to Oasis to make more pictures!
We didn't have a tripod, so taking group pictures was tricky, but we managed! We improvised by using Lynn's monopod & a potted plant heh heh. I swear, we really do need a personal photographer. We'd use them so much, they'd get used to random calls in the middle of the day that go something like this: 'Oasis Ara Damansara', 'Jas' house', or 'MMZ'- & they'd understand that they'd have to be there right away hahahah. If only. Once again, as we were taking pictures, people all over stared. And judged. And judged. And judged. It's so normal to us now, we just don't care anymore hahahah
We want youuuuuuu. Not :P
Mafia shot! :D We all look the part, & then there's Lynn, who looks more like an angry mum heh heh :P
Jumpshots taken using Lynn's 5S' slow mo function. Most of the video was us complaining about how hot it was heh
Since it was so hot, we decided to sit on the grass instead, still under the hot sun! #yay #sarcasmintended
The heat finally got too much to bear, so we headed to Old Town White Coffee!
Oh Sehran was still coming up with alternative uses for the monopod, & so far he'd come up with: comb, back scratcher, golf club, and at Old Town, he came up with: big boob detector wth >_____> Dong la serious. He had to leave after a while, so I said what would be my last goodbye to him for the next 9 months :(
This picture depicts our friendship. I always kena buli :(
Shman, KFung, Lynn & I stayed a little while longer, just talking. Headed back home after that, & Lynn dropped KFung off at my house so we could hang out a little more.
Spent the next few hours just talking & lazing about, watching tv while my dad randomly burst in with questions and all.
Afterwards, we all went out for dinner and rushed home, where I took a quick shower and rushed off to Space U8 to watch Maze Runner with KFung :)
Movie was merely so-so, but the company made it so much better hahahah. He was trying to scare me throughout the movie & we kept making stupid jokes heh :P
Went back home after the movie, where we chitchatted for a little while more before he had to go.
All in all, it was an amazing dayyyyyyyy, one that I don't think I'll forget for quite a while :')
And nowwwww, I'm just gonna continue with the day after because, well.
Woke up early the next morning, KFung picked me up & we met up with Shman for mamak before sending him off. The car ride was a little more quiet than usual, probably because we were all feeling a little emotional I think? While waiting for KFung's departure time, we sat at the food court & just talked the time awayyyyy. Time flies when you really don't want it to, and before we knew it, it was 10 already.
It was a really, really emotional goodbye for me, to be really honest. If I could, I swear I would've hopped on the bus as well, or even better, dragged him back to Bukit Jelutong, put him in my suitcase, & bring him to UK with me. Unfortunately though, those options aren't possible & well, life goes on. Oh & one more thing, I hate those escalators, that point of no return. From today onwards, I shall entitle them the name, 'Escalators of Doom'. Boo them. They suck :(
After KFung left, this happened. I'm really too tired to blog more than I should, so I'm just gonna redirect you to Shman's blog, sorreh :S
Aaaaaaaaand that's all I guess! Before I end though, I just wanna write a few dedications to the few people that made one of the best days of my life possible.
Lynn & Shman,
I love you two to the moon & back. I hope you two know how grateful I am for both of you. I think you guys knew exactly what I wanted, & needed, & you gave me exactly that. I had an amazing, amazing day with amazing, amazing people. Lynn, we've been friends for so long omgggggg & Shman, you've stuck with me through everything. & even with that, you guys never fail to surprise me with things beyond my imagination. I am infinitely blessed to have the both of you in my life, love y'all to the max k. Know that.
I thought the weekend before last was the last time I was going to be seeing you, & we had such a great time. I remember you telling me that you were gonna be busy last weekend, & I was a bit disappointed because I really wanted to see you just once more at least. I don't know what 'negotiations' you were busy with, or if you were just joking about it (heh), but whatever it is, thank you so so so much for taking the time to come back once more. You have no idea how happy I was when Lynn told me you were coming down again, Lynn knew how much I'd want to see you, & she used that knowledge to get me to skip Streetfest >_____> Such a baichi. I had so much fun with your stupid jokes & typical annoyingness, laughing till my cheeks hurt hahahah. Once again just thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu for coming down. Love you loads Sehran Nagarajan- eventho you're super annoying and you piss me off at times.
How do I even start? I desperately wanted to see you one more time before I left, and never in a million years would I have thought that I would actually get the chance to. When I turned and saw you standing there, I couldn't believe my eyes. That you were there. In the flesh. Standing right behind me. (Damn drama I know heh.) Dang it weh, I nearly cried. Thank you so so so so so so so so much omg- for coming back, I can only guess how mafan it must be; & for giving me the best surprise, ever. I'd honestly like to see anyone try to top that ;) It was such an amazing day spent with you, & eventhough I think we both feel we didn't do much, I enjoyed every second of it all :) Seeing you leave (again) was frigging heart-paining fml, but oh well. I hate that I'm gonna be so far away, what with everything that's going on, but I really do hope we'll be okay. Love you much :')
Finally done & it's already 2.13am. Heading to bed now, good night world!
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