Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Uncontrollable Laughter, :')

1. Lynn & I were singing along to Lily Allen's 'F*ck You' & we then recorded ourselves singing along to it (really sassily, may I add) on Snapchat. For some reason, Lynn has Kevin Jonas' (of Jonas brothers, yes) Snapchat ID so we decided to send it to him along with everyone else. We did it for fun, not expecting anything laaa. Lynn then showed me this (which is so sweet & sad at the same time, because they never got together D: ) While I was reading, she suddenly went, 'OHMYGOD JAS. KEVIN JONAS VIEWED THE SNAP.' 

Ohmyfreakinggosh. We burst into full blown laughter after that, rolling on the floor uncontrollably HAHAHAHA. Damn stupid la omggggg. We did it expecting nothing but he actually viewed it & we were so rude omg HAHAHAHA dying again just thinking about it :'D

2. Was at Lynn's house just now & her laptop was right in front of me so. I fraped her la heh heh. 

After I did that, I took my phone, turned to Lynn, showed her the notification & said really innocently, 'Omg Lynn, you tagged me in a post?' She looked at me & burst into laughter. Meanwhile, I heard what I said & died myself. Stupid hahahah 

3. Lynn's dad was watching a drama, & Lynn was trying to show me a character named Kobe, whom she thinks is super hot la. She was going on about him in Cantonese so I decided to make a status about it (with her permission) heh :P

K Fung saw this then whatsapp-ed us, 'cold beef' & we burst into fits of laughter again. Lynn then spent the next few minutes talking in a sassy Cantonese accent & it was hilarious omggggggg. 

Yeah basically stories of retarded-ness from today. Photoshoot & BBQ post still in progress, sorry sorry :S 

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