Met up with Lynn, KF, Sehran and Evo at Secret Recipe. Had a short tea and chat session, then we parted ways. Sehran followed me back home to get changed for Taekwondo (YES HE CAME) and then we headed off to class. Class was interesting because of one thing - we (the seniors) had to jump across chairs, and side kick the kicking bag which sir was holding. It was scary at first, but once I got the hang of it, all was well :D Sehran selamba only, cuz he's tall whut. Voe was a completely different story. She did what I always did during lompat tinggi. Run towards the pole (in this case chair), then once reach the chair, come to a complete halt. Hahah Voe :') What's more, Sir started with one chair and then increased it to two, then three. Some kiddies like Kieran and Yong Tien were so excited they joined us as well. They only stopped because sir FORBADE them from jumping the 3-chair jump.
Ah, to be a kid again :')
Bought Tip Top ice cream from Jaya Grocer! :D It's really, REALLY good ♥
I've missed this, you see. Had it in NZ last 2 years, and I've been craving for Tip Top ever since. Will always remember how we melted it and re-froze it because we were moving around NZ :)
Puthea dropped by unexpectedly, right when I was settling down for lunch. She folded all these cranes for me! :') I love little handmade gifts like this ♥ She stayed for a while, told me she's getting married in 2015. To a guy she wasn't in love with. Which was really sad :( Feel really blessed that next time when I get married, it's not because I have to, it'll be because I want to, and it'll be to a person whom I'm in love with.
Jason washed the pond :P I told him he reminds me of those poolboys in English movies, who clean pools in their underwear and then sleep with the house's mistress. HEHEHEH. Puthea came and she was like 'JASON NOW SO SEXYYYY.' HAHAHAHAHA
The gang (well, partly.) - Lynn, Jannah, Sehran, Leek and Hari came over last night for a small house-warming meet-up session. The meet-up was supposed to start at 9, but in typical Mafia Gang fashion, everyone was late. Except for maybe Sehran. Twas an interesting night :P It all started with Lynn's cockpit story. Which I can't reveal because of privacy issues. But that wasn't the gist of the conversation anyways. It was mainly about this: COCK.pit. Geddit? :P We're quite sick lah when we get together tbh.
After that, we played a round of Monopoly Deal. Lynn got mad with us halfway because Sehran and I (because I was desperate!) put properties as money. Eheheh.
Afterwards, it was somehow decided that we would go on Omegle to well, for something interesting to do. So we did. We assigned the guys to sit in front of the lappy and filter the videos for us, because you know .. Omegle. After a few awkward videos, we came across one with these two guys - who didn't disconnect on us! :P So we said hi and chatted with them for a bit. Turns out, they were American soldiers in Germany! I was abit awestruck laa, like OMG SOLDIERS KAY. We tried talking to them, but we couldn't hear a word they say. We asked stuff like 'what do you always do?' to which they answered, 'sit around and do nothing'. It got a bit awks because we didn't know what else to ask .. and then they disconnected on us :( So we didn't get to screen capture the conversation D:
Next were:
Lynn told them that they looked like guys from 1D. She told the guy in grey, 'you look like Zayn Malik!' and he was like, 'I get that all the time'. Again, it got awks and then we disconnected on them -.-
Guy from Turkey who looked a lil creepy and asked us if we could speak English when we WERE speaking to him in English!
Next guy was also from Turkey. There were actually two of them, but the other guy was mainly in the background. I think he was abit drunk la, cuz he kept doing a few things repeatedly. Point at us. Wave. Heartshape. We actually got a screenshot but lost it because we didn't save it. Because Lynn accidentally screenshotted this :
Lynn wanted to get this guy yawning.
There was also another guy. Some racist ass whom when he first saw us, he went 'where's my rice?' and then called us 'Chinese c****' -____-
The rest were all abit vulgar so we stopped. Although not before I saw something REALLY disgusting that the guys didn't warn me about D: D: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Picture before they left! :) Lynn's sitting cuz I accidentally stepped on her injured toe :( Sorry Lynn!
Everyone then went home. After cleaning up, I was going to head upstairs when I realized my phone was missing. I called it using my house phone, and Leek picked up -___- He already changed phone, and yet he can mistake my phone as his iPhone 5. GENIUS. So he had to turn back and pass it to me. Heheheh :P
Went to Puan Zati's house for open house. I tell you, I LOVE Malaysia. I love how we have so many diff kinds of yummy food, and because we have so many races, we have so many holidays. YAY! :D
Another update completed! :)
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