There are so many types of blogs, it's clear.
Some, blog :
- to express their thoughts and ideas
- to voice their opinions on certain issues
- to keep track of events
- so they can express their feelings in a (sort of) private environment
- to share their love for food, fashion, etc
- for the sake of having a blog, and for keeping it alive
Some bloggers, they limit themselves to only one category. Other bloggers, they have different blogs for the different types of posts they write on each blog. These bloggers, they're terribly specific and they make you me feel like amateurs in the blogging world.
I'd like to think my blog is so general, so open that I fall into each category. That I do a little bit of everything.
But that's not really true, is it?
Majority of my posts are about events. They're about things I've done, things I'm doing. Things which I find, are worth writing about.
I blog, because I want to remember. I have this almost obsessive need to remember everything. To store up every bit of the past because (God forbid!) my memory may fail me one day. Ever since I was little, I've kept little things such as the notes we passed around in class, notebooks with my friends' biodatas, etc etc. I'm a hoarder that way. It's hard for me to throw them away. Every time I re-find them in my room, they bring back memories of those times and those friends. And I feel, if I throw them away, I'll be disrespecting that memory. And how am I going to remember if I don't have those little momentos to remind me? This is why my blog is filled with posts about daily happenings, and events. One day, I want to look back and remember what an amazing life I've led, what great friends I've had, what I've accomplished, and maybe, I'll be able to see how much I've grown and how far I've come from then.
Readers who've been following me since high school, they'll know the vast difference between my posts then, and my posts now. I used to be extremely emotional, almost self-pitying, so most of my posts then were about how sad I was about my life etc etc etc. I look back at those posts now, and I shudder to think I was ever like that. Now, I like to blog only about happy stuff. Another reason I blog. On days when I feel a little down, this blog serves as a reminder as to how blessed and lucky I am. I'd say this is a blog complete with blessings of all sizes, big and small! :)
Some days, I wish I could be like the 'serious' bloggers, making their voices heard on main topics of discussion. Unfortunately for me, when it comes to putting down my opinions on things like these, my mind is a jumble of thoughts and I find difficulty organizing them. Which is why posts of serious topics of discussion usually end up in my drafts pile, and not on my blog itself. Perhaps, topics as these I can only debate vocally, but I can't get them on paper.
Lastly, I blog because I love to write.
And I'm too lazy to pick up my pencil.
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