Started planning about 2 weeks ago, when Chris announced during CG that his birthday was coming. Mengada punya Chris. Since we're such a loving cell, we wanted to do something for him but we weren't sure what to do. Thus that first week of planning was really a fail. We couldn't decide anything, except that we wanted to drown Chris. Last week after Streetfest, we gathered and started planning, really planning. We really wanted to drown Chris, but then there was the issue of Chris' having to bring an extra set of clothes. So we decided to tell Chris that we wanted to have a water gun fight! We hadn't even finished planning when Chris realized his CG was gathering, and joined us. Yay. Awks hahah. So I suggested to Chris that we wanted to have a water gun fight, and it was easier than I thought: He initiated Games Week :P And put me in charge of it. HOHOHOHO. Kylie then distracted Chris by asking Joanne to call him over to talk to him. So we managed to discuss some more, and came up with the idea of getting him a full set of clothes as his pressie :) Spent the rest of the time trying to find out Chris' sizes.
The next day, Kasen and Sean went shopping, and we got his pressie! :D
Yep. Paul Frank underwear :P HAHAH
Meanwhile, Chris wanted me to give him a list of the games we would be playing. This was so mafan because I knew we wouldn't be playing all the games, and planning games for 2 hours is difficult -.- I had to think hard to come up with some proper games so Chris would approve, and he won't suspect anything. So I came up with this list!
- Ice and Fire
- Musang dan Ayam
- Water balloon dodgeball (Because we didn't have enough water guns)
- Grab The Finger
- The Tangled Chain
- Copycat
The idea was that after we played water balloon dodgeball, we'd tell Chris we wanted to take pictures by the pool. And then on the count of 3 by the photographer (who would actually be videotaping), we would push him in! :P Heheheh.
We were planning to have around 200 balloons, so it was decided that Marissa and I would make them. 100 each. So I bought the balloons, filled them up, and tied them. 100 WATER BALLOONS. My finger is now badly bruised from all that tying D:
About 50 balloons?
Since it was a party, must have food right? So to make sure Chris didn't suspect anything, Dinah suggested we all bring food since we would be famished after games. And yeap, no suspicions raised whatsoever :P
And then the big day arrived!
Woke up at 8 plus to bake apple crumbleeee :D Turned out good :)
Loading the balloons into the car was dreadful. I had to squeeze 5 pails into Renee D: And distribute the balloons and fill the pails with water so the balloons wouldn't burst. Had to be really careful so there was enough water to cover the balloons, but not too much that it would spill out. DIFFICULT I TELL YOU. Then somemore I had to drive reaaaally carefully ish. Used Waze to direct me to Kasen's house, but took quite a number of wrong turns and ended up being late :(
Everyone helped to carry the pails down, and then we headed to the back to start our games! Played Ice and Fire first- since we had 18 people, we had 4 Ice and the rest were Fire.
Picture before we started!
Everyone was feeling quite sweaty and tired by then, so we went to grab some drinks and take a short break. Some 'old people' needed the break more than others. Not me, I'm one of the young ones :P Hahahah. Decided to skip Musang & Ayam and go straight to water balloon dodgeball due to the lack of time.
Told Chris we would use the area near the pool so that we won't wet other places, but it was merely to make sure he won't get suspicious when we asked to take pictures near the pool. Moved the pails and Marissa's huge ice box to the side of the pool, and then IT WAS WARRRRRRRRRRR.
Chris looking gooood ;)
Splat & Splash :D
Our team! Unfortunately Stella didn't get many shots of the other team :S
Kasen being selamba :P
Edit: Video of the water balloon fight, here! :)
Of course, when the balloons were gone, we used pails. Filled with pool water. And poured them onto other people.
After that, Thomas tried to carry Chris and put him into the pool, but it failed and kinda messed up our initial plan. Gr Thomas.
We were all soaked by then, and then Stella asked to take a picture of us by the pool. We told the guys to stand behind, so Chris would be closer to the pool. But he resisted and refused because he suspected we were gonna push him in. THANKS THOMAS. He stood at the side but ANYWAAAAY, (video here)
Why is our 'Happy Birthday' out of tune ah? -.-
In the plan, only Chris is supposed to be in the pool. ONLY CHRIS. But once we finished serenading Chris, one by one we got pushed/pulled into the pool. Marissa pushed me *glares at Marissa* >____> So I climbed out, and tried to pull her in. I failed but someone else pushed her in anyways :P
Pictures we took in the pool! :)

Love this shot! :) Y-5, WiFi! :D
Serious faces. Can you imagine us creeping out the pool at night? ;)
Smiles! :)
Last but not least, muka Chris-es :D
The face we were supposed to imitate. This, dear readers, is my CG leader. *cue applause*
Dinah and Xinyi! ♥
Then Kasen came with the cake :D Chris making his wish here :)
After that he went around giving everyone a hug :)
WiFi hug, phase 1 (yes, I tersesat.) ♥
WiFi hug, phase 2! :)
Climbed out of the pool and cleaned up!
Pretty pretty balloons!
And then gave Chris his pressie :)
Hahahah. Chris was shivering cuz the wind was blowing and it was so cold! Actually all of us were shaking la, but luckily no pictures of us :P
After that, we dried ourselves and got changed. Then went back into Kasen's to makannnnn :D We had pizza, Marissa's cupcakes, the cake, and my apple crumbleee! :D Marissa's cupcakes were not only pretty, but so niceeeee :D Oh and my apple crumble got rave reviews as well! :D :D :D
Taken by Xinyi. Looks yumz right? ;D
Makan-ed and talked till parents came to pick everyone up. I was supposed to drive back, but daddy suddenly called from Sekinchan to say they weren't coming back so I had to go to church to pick Jason. So I decided to go for service, since Kasen, Kamen, Thomas and Stella needed transport anyways. Stayed there until 5.30 because Sean's dad ter-sesat at SMCC :P Hahah. Altogether it was an amazing time! :D :D :D
And then at night,
Made it all worthwhile! :)
I love my CG family ♥
WiFi-Jc Street, the best CG. Ever.