If that even makes sense. HAHAHA NO.
So hello people! :)
Gonna blog about my day trip with Shman today! Few days ago, I asked Shman to teman me to go to Plaza Masalam to change my IC since he was having his day off. Shman suggested we leave at 6.45, which I postponed to 7. I woke up today morning at 7, feeling dead tired, to a Whatsapp message from Shman, telling me we'd leave at 8 instead because he was tired. YAYYYYYYY EXTRA HOUR OF SLEEP! :3 Woke up at 8, got prepared and everything and I realized Shman probably wasn't awake yet since his last seen on Whatsapp was at 5.29am. So I did my usual thang - I called him, told him I was coming in 5 minutes, and he groggily mumbled some stuff which I did not understand. At all -.- I 'okay'-ed him and told him to get prepared. Then I waited. Gr.
At around 8.30, I went over to Shman's, picked him up and we left for Plaza Masalam. I completely forgot about the in-front-of-Giant jam, and got stuck there. Anyways, we reached Plaza Masalam and Shman went straight to the counter to ask which floor the making IC place was. And the guards there answered, 'liu' ('six' in Chinese). Kinda surprising :P Went up to the 6th floor and it was .. empty. There was only one other person there, surprisingly. Was so funny because I went to take my number, and immediately it showed on the screen. After paying and everything, I had to head to another counter to take my picture. Where 2 things happened:
- I sat in the chair and leaned all the way to the back of the chair. I'm guessing the camera is angled for normal-sized people, so the kakak asked me to scoot forward. So I did. A little. And she kept pestering me until I was almost hanging on the edge of my seat T_____T #shortpeopleproblems
- I smiled. And you guys know lah how I look when I smile.

So she asked me, 'Boleh buka mata besar sikit tak?' HAHAHAHAH T_____T
The whole process was completed in 5 minutes -.- So Shman and I rushed back into the parking lot, paid our ticket and hoped that we didn't have to pay heh. But nope, we exceeded the drive through time limit, so a buck it was.
After that, we decided to go watch a movie at Space U8. That was around 9.30? Went back to my house to get my jacket first, then off to Space U8 we went! When we reached, almost everything was still closed, including MBO. So to kill time, we went to play pool! Which I'm really bad at :P But Shman taught me how to aim and hold the stick and all and I wasn't that bad after all! :D Other than the few times I hit the white ball into the holes flawlessly, but yeah :P We were the first ones there, and still it stank like mad. Haven't they heard of air freshener?!
After playing 2 rounds, we went back to MBO to buy our tickets. Again, it was empty. No one around except for the both of us. We bought tickets for Pacific Rim, showing at 12. Seats A 11 & 12, RIGHT AT THE BACK! :D heheheh. When we booked, we were the only two there so we could choose anywhereeeeee! :D It was just 11 at the time, so we went to 'the other house' to take some pictures for daddy, and then went back to my place. Again. Dahla my petrol tank was low. Heeee. I made Maggi for myself while Shman played Naruto on the PS2.
We left the house at around 12, and by the time we reached our theatre, the advertisements had already started and it was frigging dark. We caused quite a commotion because of that - getting Shman to switch the flashlight on his iPhone, finding our seats, sitting at the wrong seats and all. We kinda planned that if there wasn't anyone else in the theatre, we would run around and simply move about and sit at random places during the whole duration of the show. So the first thing we did when we got to our seats was to look about and spot if there were any other people. Which was really difficult considering how dark it was. Unfortunately, there were a few people around. Booooooo :( Plan foiled. We still got to put down the seats beside us and we could stretch our legs and all though :P Altogether, it was a great movie. Really interesting plot and all (HOW DO DIRECTORS THINK OF THESE KINDA STUFF?!). And the main character, he has this way of walking that's so swag-ish. And he walks with his hands always on his belt. Fascinating.
And then we left. Sent Shman back and I went back home. Pictures of today! :
Shman and I just love being stuck in jams.
Apparently this a picture of the empty IC place. *glares at Shman* >___>
Getting our movie tickets! We so cute kan? :3
In the lift after getting our tickets. 'Rushing' back for me to have my lunch before the movie. 'Rushing'.
And then Shman remembered there was a mirror! :P Few seconds after this, the elevator door opened. Thank God no one was standing there :P
After lunch. 'Rushing' for our movie :P
The emptiness of the MBO hallways
In the theatre :)
Oh and another really stupid thing happened todayyyy. Daddy just reached home so I went out to help him get his bags. When I walked out of the door, I saw this really fluffy fat cat sitting right outside the door. I walked out and it ran awaaay. 'Ran'. It was so fat it couldn't even run hahahah. I was yelling at my dad 'LOOK AT THAT CAT OMGOSH SO FAT IT CAN'T EVEN RUN. So stupid hahahah.' etc etc that sort of thing. Then the neighbour opposite my house called out to my dad, 'Her name is Sushi!' and I was like .. 'Shit.' Ahhhhhhhh she heard e criticizing her cat T_____T And then an even dumber thing happened. You know at the side of gates sure got a small gap? Usually cats can squeeze through, but this one couldn't because it was so fat so I burst out laughing. And the neighbour was staring at me. WHY LAH THIS KIND OF THING ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME WHYYYY
Answer me.
ReplyDeleteHahah maybe :P So embarassing omgosh :S