While typing this, I'm currently packing for CF Camp tmrw! Which coincidentally, is again, in Malacca. To be honest, I'm kind of taking a break from packing - more like I'm unable to pack. Because unfortunately, my luggage bag is on top of my cupboard and due to my miniature size, I can't reach it T______T #shortpeopleproblems
So now, I have to wait for my parents to come home so someone can help me take it. I can actually just go downstairs and bring the ladder up, but that would mean lugging it upstairs, then downstairs, AND I'm
Anyways, here's some things I have to do:
1. Visit Lynn at Espresso Lab.
2. Visit Shman at Espresso Lab.
3. Get transport for camp.
Actually for #3, I have mummy lah. But I'm trying to make a point here, so just shush.
So the point is, I AM KILLING 3 BIRDS WITH ONE STONE TOMORROWWWWW! :D I will be following Lynn and Shman to work tomorrow, and I'll be hanging with them all morning! :D Can't wait to disturb those two people and have them serve me HOHOHOHO. I'm such a great friend :') And at around 1, Shman will drop me off at college, yay! :D #takingadvantage
Yeap, that's it laa. Just letting y'guys know that I won't be around from tmrw till Sunday!
Oh and I feel like writing some notes for some people and passing to them during CF Camp.
Kays lah, that's all for now. Byebyeee! :)
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